With the pandemic driving business transformation, manufacturers realize that cloud capabilities are essential for them to remain competitive in a world that’s fast-tracking change. So, they’re getting connected, streamlining, and suiting up for a future they can optimize.

Nearly 9 in 10 decision makers surveyed believe their data is safer in the cloud.

Cloud solutions offer flexibility, mobility, and enabling technologies like Internet of Things, sophisticated data analytics, and artificial intelligence. Inherent in running on a cloud platform is the ability to innovate without limits and reimagine operations for a digital future, i.e., making products with onboard technology, sensors, and artificial intelligence. Survey respondents think these capabilities will significantly change the way they work within five years.

Data Security in the Cloud

Of the 1,250 decision makers surveyed across manufacturing, distribution, and retail, nearly nine in 10 believe their data is safer in the cloud. While business owners have been apprehensive about moving their data off premises, many are recognizing that cloud technology offers state-of-the-art data security with firewalls and data encryption that are continuously updated to combat the newest cyberthreats. By contrast, on-premises solutions can be harder to protect, slower to respond to an attack, and more vulnerable to break-ins or natural disasters.

More Flexibility and Capabilities

Migrating to cloud ERP solutions gives manufacturers more flexibility and unlocks capabilities that can boost innovation—and the bottom line. Despite global disruption, most manufacturers reported they felt optimistic about the future. Especially those running their operations on cloud systems.

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Christine Hansen
Director, Product Marketing

Christine Hansen serves as the Director of Product Marketing at Epicor, where she applies over 20 years of industry expertise to drive inventive solutions for the manufacturing sector. She holds BAs in Spanish and business administration from Augsutana College (SD) and is based in Minneapolis, MN.

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